Sunday, December 29, 2019
Do Deaf People Have Disability - 921 Words
From my experience, every application that I apply for a job online, it bothers me that I considered myself disables. While applying for a job I considered myself disable person because I’ve been considered disabled person because I’m deaf. I’ve noticed that I didn’t get hear from the company for interview or get hire, but when I don’t labeled myself as an disable person until I’m able to get an interview and get hired, then I inform them that I’m deaf. Most of their reaction is shocking because I didn’t put on my application that I’m disabled. Not most companies want to hire someone whose disable, but some companies do want to hire disable people. Deaf mean unable to hear. We don’t consider ourselves disability. I find the article called â€Å"Do Deaf People have Disability?†written by Harlan Lane more compelling for several reasons including Deaf vs. deaf, disability and culture. To begin with, there a re different meanings for deaf vs. Deaf. Deaf include a capital D, which means culture and community. For example, a deaf child has been sent to deaf institute to learn deaf community, language, and education, if he/she wasn’t sent to deaf school then he/she would considered deaf because he/she wasn’t aware of deaf community and doesn’t use sign language. She/he knows how to speak. The population of people who are deaf considered themselves Deaf but on the other hand, people who considered themselves hard of hearing are deaf because they have no contact with Deaf culture andShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Hearing On Children With Disabilities1453 Words  | 6 PagesChristian Popoca According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities include those who have impairments that substantially limit a major life activity, have a history or record of a substantially limiting impairment, or are regarded as having a disability. Deaf people are limited in some functions because of an impairment of hearing. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports â€Å"deaf†individuals do not hear well enough to rely on their hearing to processRead MoreThe Strive For Perfection. We Live In A World That The1701 Words  | 7 Pagesif you have a disability; you are told you can’t do most things, if you look different than the majority you get discriminated. Deafness is viewed as a disability that needs to be fixed, due to a hearing society where hearing is the norm. Deafness is at a threat for extinction, due to the push to â€Å"fix†it. Sometime in the near future with genetic testing targeting to remove the deaf gene, could inversely cause the extinction of not only Deafness, but American Sign Language as well as the Deaf communityRead MoreThe Everyday Challenges Of A Person Who Is Deaf : At The Workplace Essay1460 Words  | 6 PagesEveryday Challenges of a person who is Deaf: At the Workplace When it comes to everyday challenges faced by Deaf individuals, many instances come to mind where discrimination can take place, but for the sake of this paper I will be focusing on those instances that occur in the workplace, why they happen, and what can be done to remedy them. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there are approximately 28 million Americans that have some level of hearing loss and of thatRead MoreIs Deafness a Disability or a Way of Living?1593 Words  | 7 PagesTwo centuries ago, the Deaf community arose in American society as a linguistic minority. Members of this community share a particular human condition, hearing impairment. However, the use of American Sign Language, as their main means of communicating, and attendance to a residential school for people with deafness also determine their entry to this micro-culture. Despite the fact that Deaf activists argue that their community is essentially an ethnic group, Deaf cult ure is certainly different fromRead MoreBeing A Person Of Partial Hearing1036 Words  | 5 PagesBeing a person of partial hearing I can understand the frustration sometimes with every day activities. The deaf community is on the rise as more and more deaf people are populating major cities. Sign Language interpreting really helps those who are deaf or those who are hard of hearing. State laws in the United States often legally require it. The Act of Americans with Disabilities was established in 1990. There are a few places that require this law. Some include: employment, State and local governmentRead MoreFinal Exam Questions : 139 Deaf Culture1172 Words  | 5 PagesFinal Exam Questions-CDDS 139 Deaf Culture 2. Describe the ways in which Deaf culture is different from American culture in terms of communication and sharing of information. Deaf culture is different from American culture in a variety of ways. First off, the way these two cultures communicate is quite different. In Deaf culture, individuals communicate using ASL while in American culture individuals communicate mainly in English. Secondly, American culture is an individualist culture where sharingRead MoreHearing Speech : Deaf And Deaf1659 Words  | 7 Pagesthat no two individuals are alike, nor are any two families with deaf or hard of hearing members. Due to the various ways that hearing loss can occur, the occurrence of hearing loss in any one family can vary. There are families with deaf parents and hearing children. There are families with deaf parents and deaf children. There are families who have never encountered a deaf or hearing impaired person that suddenly have a child who is deaf or hard of hearing. Hearing impairment affects different familiesRead MoreFilm Analysis: Sweet Nothing in My Ear1011 Words  | 5 Pageschose to do my pap er on the movie Sweet Nothing in My Ear. The movie was about a child who was born hearing and ended up going deaf, so his parents had to deliberate on whether or not they wanted to get him a cochlear implant. The wife Laura (played by Marlee Matlin) is deaf and her husband Dan is hearing. The movie is centered around Laura and Dan’s struggle to decide if a cochlear implant is what’s best for their son Adam. It doesn’t help Laura make the decision when her parents are both deaf, andRead MoreChildren With Disabilities Act ( Ada )1222 Words  | 5 PagesBefore 1990 the United States did not systematically have tools or laws in place for Deaf individuals. In 1991, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – a civil rights law was implemented across the U.S [with four sections] that prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities including deaf and hearing impaired people. The purpose of the ADA is to make sure that people with disabilities have th e same rights and opportunities as everyone else. Each section of the ADA – employment, governmentRead MoreEssay about The Language of Disabilities615 Words  | 3 Pages Many people refer to those with disabilities as â€Å"disabled or handicapped’, ‘mute’, ‘dumb’, ‘blind person or the blind’, ‘deaf person or the deaf’, ‘retarded’, ‘crazy’, ‘demented’, ‘insane’, ‘psycho’ or ‘mentally retarded’. People with disabilities prefer that you focus on their individuality, not their disability, unless, of course, it is the topic about which you are writing or speaking about. Never use the article â€Å"the†with an adjective to describe people with disabilities. The preferred usage
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Steroids Essay - 1200 Words
What are Steroids? Until the year 1935 scientists never knew that testosterone steroids were associated with an increase in muscle production. During the next two years scientists found through research with dogs that in certain circumstances steroids had an increase on muscle mass production. There are three major divisions of steroids: corticosteroids, estrogens and progestogens, androgens. Corticosteroids are found in both prescription and non-prescription creams that are used to control rashes and itches. These two common trade names are Cortaid and Lanacort. This form of steroid is not to be thought of as having addictive properties. The second forms of steroids are estrogens and progestogens. These forms of steroids are female sex†¦show more content†¦ed LDL Cholesterolnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Decreased HDL Cholesterolnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hypertensionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Elevated Triglyceridesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Arteriosclerotic Heart Diseasenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;No Reproductive-Malenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Testicular Atrophy nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gynecomastianbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Possible nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Impaired Spermatogenesisnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Altered Libido nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Male Pattern Baldnessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;No Reproductive-Femalenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Menstrual Dysfunctionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yes Altered Libidonbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Clitoral Enlargementnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;No nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Deepening Voicenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;No nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Male Pattern Baldness nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;No Hepaticnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Elevated Liver Enzymesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Jaundicenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Yes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;HepaticShow MoreRelatedSteroid Use Of Bodybuilding And Steroids889 Words  | 4 PagesSteroid Use in Bodybuilding Chayla Vines Clover Park Technical College Abstract [The abstract should be one paragraph of between 150 and 250 words. It is not indented. Section titles, such as the word Abstract above, are not considered headings so they don’t use bold heading format. Instead, use the Section Title style. This style automatically starts your section on a new page, so you don’t have to add page breaks. Note that all of the styles for this template are available on the Home tabRead MoreAnabolic Steroids And Steroids Use1525 Words  | 7 Pagesbeans and hype (Steroids and their). All of these words are slang for the illegal substance known more commonly as anabolic steroids and HGH (human growth hormone). The controversy surrounding anabolic steroids and HGH in sports has stormed to the forefront of the many problems that plague America today. Anabolic steroids are synthetic chemicals that mimic the effects of the male sex hormone testosterone. Some athletes seeking increased muscular strength and size abuse anabolic steroids (R icki Lewis)Read MoreAnabolic Steroids And Substance Steroids1814 Words  | 8 PagesMerriam-Webster Dictionary anabolic steroids are any of a group of usually synthetic hormones that are derivatives of testosterone, are used medically specially to promote tissue growth, and are sometimes abused by athletes to increase the size and strength of their muscles and improve endurance. The main purpose of anabolic steroids is to gain strength and muscle very quickly and faster than any other drug enhancement. There are many types of models that relate to anabolic steroids. One model is high schoolRead MoreSteroids : Sports And Steroids1169 Words  | 5 PagesPresident George W. Bush says â€Å"Steroids are dangerous in sports and steroids send the wrong message: There are shortcuts to accomplishments and performance is more important than character.†Steroids are a hormone like substance made by the body. Steroids are closely related to the male prime hormone, testosterone which is the main development of male characteristics such as facial hair, deeper voice and larger muscles. It is bad to use steroids because they cause heart problems, hormonal issuesRead More steroids in Baseball Essay1151 Words  | 5 Pages Steroids in Baseball: The Future of Baseball nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;It was a warm, sultry night in September. The fans were crazed in anticipation as Mark McGwire stepped to the plate. With a gentle stretch, he paused, patiently poised, waiting for what would eventually be the greatest hit baseball had ever seen. The pitcher, Steve Trachsel, came set. He shot a determined look to the dirt. In a rivalry such as this (Cubs, Cardinals) he did not want to be the one to give up the great numberRead MoreAnabolic Steroid Use And Anabolic Steroids1335 Words  | 6 Pagesathletes get so hooked on this so called â€Å"Steroid†? I’m interested in this question, because that’s the question that truly caught my attention the most and, also keeps me wondering. If people who use it have seen improvement, why do they keep using it. The anabolic steroid also known as the anabolic-androgenic steroid is a drug that athletes use to give more muscle mass to the body and create more testosterone in the body. If traced back to the 1940’s steroids first appeared in Germany. Athletes hadRead MoreSteroids Essay950 Words  | 4 Pages Steroids, what they are why people use them What are anabolic steroids? â€Å"Anabolic steroids are a group molecules that include the male sex hormone testosterone and synthetic analogs of testosterone†(Taylor,1991) Anabolic steroids are used by many people in sports today due to the rapid increase in muscle mass. Anabolic steroids are made synthetically and are very powerful. â€Å"Recent evidence suggests that there may be over 3,000,000 regular anabolic steroid users in the United States and mostRead MoreEssay on Steroids772 Words  | 4 Pagesmuscular build? Have you ever thought steroids would be a helpful tool in doing so? If you have you must know that steroids are a deadly and illegal drug. After reading my paper I hope that the thought of using steroids will leave your mind forever and encourage you to keep others of them. To understand why you should stay off steroids you must first know what steroids are. The steroid of which you hear most are called, â€Å"anabolic steroids.†This kind of steroid is called anabolic because anabolicRead MoreAnabolic Steroid Abuse666 Words  | 3 Pages Anabolic steroid abuse has become a huge concern among high school athletes. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of athletes using performance enhancing drugs in high school, almost double the number since the 1980s. Student athletes feel that steroids give them a competitive edge that they think they need to boost themselves past competition. Athletes, whether they are young or old, professional or amateur, are always looking to gain an advantage over their opponents to come awayRead More Anabolic Steroids Essay1560 Words  | 7 Pages Steroids Probably one of the biggest stories in the news today is steroids in Major League Baseball. This is one of the reasons that I chose to do my research paper on steroids. I knew that it would not be hard to find information on the issue. I also needed to have a topic that relates to my service learning project. This is helping coach a high school track and field team. And as you will read later, I talk about steroids with high school athletes. I also wanted to improve my knowledge on the
Friday, December 13, 2019
The Great Gatsby Chapter 8 1 Free Essays
The Great Gatsby Chapter 8 1. The author interrupts the story to show the understanding of how Gatsby’s dream developed. Gatsby fell in unconditional love with Daisy the moment he met her and desired her deeply, â€Å"He knew Daisy was extraordinary, but he didn’t realize how extraordinary a ‘nice girl’ can be†. We will write a custom essay sample on The Great Gatsby Chapter 8 1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Gatsby felt uncomfortable in Daisy’s house because she was simply from a finer world than him. When he finally made love to her, it was because he wasn’t dignified enough to have any other relationship. Nick reveals that Gatsby misled her, too, making her believe he was in a position to offer her the safety and financial security of a good marriage, when in fact all he had to give was some lousy undying love. In the war, Gatsby did well for himself. He tried to get home as soon as the war was over, but through some administrative error or possibly the hand of God, he was sent to Oxford. 3. Chapter 8 shows the intensity of Gatsby’s love for daisy. Gatsby tells Nick the story of his first meeting with Daisy. Gatsby and Daisy first met in Louisville in 1917. He says that he loved her for her youth and vitality, and idolized her social position, wealth, and popularity. He adds that she was the first girl to whom he ever felt close and that he lied about his background to make her believe that he was worthy of her, â€Å"She was the first ‘nice’ girl he had ever know†. Nick realizes the depths of Gatsby’s love for Daisy when Gatsby says to Nick, â€Å"I can’t describe to you how surprised I was to find out I loved her, old sport†. Of course, Daisy did not wait; she married Tom, who was her social equal and the choice of her parents. . Nick compliments Gatsby by telling him that, â€Å"You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together†(Gatsby, 146). This statement is true because compared to the carelessness of Tom and Daisy; Jay Gatsby was a great man. Also, the sincerity of Gatsby’s pursuit and his dream is far more genuine then the superficiality of Tom, Daisy and Jordan. Nick a dmired Gatsby because Gatsby never cheated anybody, he never lied to anyone, he never killed anybody like rumors suggested, and he just lived his life the best way he knew how unlike the rest. . The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are a pair of diminishing, old eyes that are painted on a billboard over the Valley of Ashes. It symbolizes the eyes of God looking down upon the ruins of society. George Wilson views the eyes as the eyes of God looking upon everything as he says, â€Å"God sees everything†. Wilson believes he’s playing the role of God now and that he can see everything and needs to take some action about his wife’s death. He believes the eyes have witnessed the murder of his wife and that justice needs to be served, therefore he is now playing the role of God. Chapter 9 1. In the Great Gatsby, Nick assumes responsibility for Jay Gatsby’s funeral arrangements because he feels Gatsby would not want to go through a funeral alone and he felt responsible as he says, â€Å"it grew upon me that I was responsible, because no one else was interested. Also, all of Gatsby’s friends and acquaintances have either disappeared or refused to attend. The only people to attend the funeral are Nick, Owl Eyes, a few servants, and Gatsby’s father, Henry C. Gatz, who has come all the way from Minnesota. After receiving a letter from Wolfshiem saying that he was not attending, Nick felt Gatsby couldn’t go through it alone. 3. Gatsby’s father learns about the death of his son as it was in the Chicago newspaper, â€Å"It was all in the Chicago newspaper†(Gatsby, 159). He had the same kind of respect for Gatsby as Nick and also thought that Gatsby was a great man, â€Å"He had a big future before him, you know†. Gatsby’s dad pulls out a copy of Hopalong Cassidy, once owned by the young Jimmy Gatz, Gatsby’s father points out his young son’s drive toward self-improvement by calling Nick’s attention to the daily schedule penciled in the back. Gatsby’s father is unaware of Gatsby’s other life and his love and passion for Daisy which led to his death. He is also unaware of how his son acquired his wealth but is still very proud of his son’s achievements. 5. The irony of Gatsby’s funeral is that Gatsby longed for the American Dream. However, this dream of having Daisy back once again disintegrated into a longing for wealth and possessions and led Gatsby to his death. Also tons of people attended his parties and dwelled in his wealth but no one shows up for his funeral except for Nick, Owl Eyes, a few servants, and Gatsby’s father, Henry C. Gatz. This shows that all the people wanted to use Gatsby only for his wealth and for their entertainment whereas he is no good to them dead therefore no one cares or attends Gatsby’s funeral. A great man like Gatsby had no real friends besides Nick. 7. Nick feels that Tom and Daisy are careless people and uncaring people and that they destroy people and things, knowing that their money will shield them from ever having to face any negative consequences. He believes Tom and Daisy act the way they want without caring for anyone else because they have their wealth to protect. Tom and Daisy represent â€Å"old money†which shows that old money does shallow people who only care for themselves and their wealth will always be present to help. He feels that Tom and Daisy retreated back into their money and vast carelessness and let other people clean up their messes. How to cite The Great Gatsby Chapter 8 1, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Icecorp International Corp VS Nicolaus-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Describe the decision the Court Reached in the Case and the reasons for the decision. Answer: In the given case, between Icecorp International Cargo Expreess Corp vs Nicolaus, the judge has mainly given focus on the interpretation of the signed agreement between the two above mentioned parties. The purpose of the agreement was to prevent Nicolaus, an employee of Icecorp, who was leaving Icecorp to join another similar company, from manipulating the past, present and future customers of Icecorp and disclosing the confidential information of the company, subject to a severance period of six months. The written agreement stated few obligations to be fulfilled by Nicolaus, after his retirement from Icecorp. These obligations were mentioned under few clauses in the written agreement, which also had a severance period for the fulfillment of the obligations. Nicolaus was sued by Icecorp for the breach of his fiduciary duty of not soliciting the customers of Icecorp and for leaking confidential information of the company. The judge in deciding this case found out that in clause 6 of the agreement it is clearly stated that Nicolaus is not to solicit the past, present and future customers of Icecorp after he retires. But in this clause, it is clearly mentioned that Nicolaus is prohibited to do so only during a severance period of six months. Hence, according to the judge, the fiduciary duty of Nicolaus in respect of soliciting Iccorps clients is limited to the six month severance period mentioned clearly in the clause, and Nicolaus cannot be held liable for breach of fiduciary duty for soliciting Icecorps clients after the expiry the severance period (Thornicroft 2014). Secondly, the judge focuses on clause 7 of the agreement that prohibited Nicolaus to disclose any confidential information of Icecorp. Clause 7 clearly stated that Nicolaus cannot leak any confidential information regarding Icecorp after his retirement. But the judge points out that in this clause there has been no mentioning of any severance period and it cannot be said that the obligation of Nicolaus of not disclosing confidential information is not limited to a time period and hence, it is assumed to be continuing (McKendrick 2014). But the judge does not clearly state whether in this case the duty of Nicolaus is a continuing one or not and the exact time to which the duty of Nicolaus is limited in this case. Hence, he is unable to state whether there has been a breach of fiduciary duty by Nicolaus or not. Therefore, according to the decision of the judge, this case can be decided by a traditio nal trial in a proper tribunal, where proper evidences can be called for to determine the case. References: McKendrick, E., 2014.Contract law: text, cases, and materials. Oxford University Press (UK). Thornicroft, K.W., 2014. Severance Pay and the Older Worker: Negotiated Versus Litigated Outcomes Under Canadian Common Law.Alta. L. Rev.,52, p.779.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Admission essay for film program free essay sample
Through this letter, I will try to get you to understand my immense desire to enter into the Montclair State University. I spent hours thinking of how to go about the essay but all this gave me no legitimate great ideas until I remembered a single piece of advise that was given to me long time ago by a fellow film student. He said to me: â€Å"Marco, write about what you know.† Therefore, after thinking it through I realized that the best story to tell would be my journey that led to my interest in filmmaking. I have always made the extra effort to try to bring something new and creative; I love to be the creative one of the group. I find it to be the best feeling of accomplishment when someone enjoys my work and then goes on to tell, â€Å"He’s the one who came up with it. We will write a custom essay sample on Admission essay for film program or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †My first big interest came with web development. I found myself fascinated with the world of website development. With the help of a High School friend, I was able to get basic understanding of HTML coding and found myself drawn to the idea of being able to create effects and transitions with coding. My next big obsession was Photoshop, which I discovered through a friend in high school. I must admit I fell in love with Photoshop the moment I found out the possibilities. I spent countless hour’s investigation and testing different commands and creating images. I found myself fascinated at the idea of being able to manipulate a picture however I desire. In fact, I am still addicted to Photoshop and to me is a huge tool when editing videos. My last and latest obsession as I was going through school was and still is video editing. I found that editing websites and editing pictures rather fell short for me, I wanted to go that extra mile being able to manipulate moving images. In high school I, was well known for being a skateboarder, I got myself a camera and started filming. I slowly came to realize that I much rather be the one behind the camera getting the good shots than being the one doing the tricks in front of it. I also slowly realized that I was obsessed with editing. I have always been attracted to the technical part of film, being the one behind the computer, but film classes in UCC took me through screen writing, directing and even actually script writing, which I had never done before. I fell in love with the film world because it slowly gave me freedom to create anything I wanted. I recently invested in the entire Adobe Creative Suit package and I am learning the art of digital editing with After Effects. In Short, from the very beginning I have been interested in Media, however my journey led me to decide which area of media interests me the most i.e. Film Making. I am creative, a fast and keen learner. I do not hesitate to undertake and learn new things; I go an extra mile to achieve my goals. Technology is nothing new to me, therefore the evolution of Film industry and technology does not scare me, in fact,  I embrace it. I have completed my associate degree in films, and now wanted to excel my career in the same field and for that I did a research and survey on the universities. On completion, I found out that the best option for achieving my goals is â€Å"Montclair State University. Major reason behind choosing Montclair is its strong alumni group, 100 years of Strong and impressive past record, experienced and supportive faculty, student development and campus life â€Å"SDCL†, safety etc. I would request you to consider my transfer request, as I am very much keen to learn and get professional experience and education, from your dynamic university, enabling me to translate my skills, ideas and thought into solutions in my professional life.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Sinaloa Cartel Essays
Sinaloa Cartel Essays Sinaloa Cartel Paper Sinaloa Cartel Paper This organization is one of the major drug smuggling cartels in Mexico as it operates in Sinaloa and Chihuahua. Joaqin Guzman was believed to be the head of this cartel. It is involved in the smuggling and distribution of illegal substances and narcotics in the United States of America. The cocaine is smuggled from Latin America to Mexico from where it is transported to the United States of America. The Cali and Medellin cartels are also reported to be providing assistance and logistics support to the Sinaloa cartel. The cartel has also linked itself with the Juarez cartel as an alliance to counter the threat posed by the Gulf and Tijuana cartels. During the 1980s, the drug cartel was the largest drug trafficking organization in Mexico (Cook, 78). It has used innovative methods like using tunnels to smuggle narcotics across the border between the United States and Mexico. Hector Palma became the head of the cartel after the arrest of Guzman. The group also operates the Los Negros which is a paramilitary outfit that is used to counter the Gulf Cartel’s Los Zetas. This group is run by Edgar Valdez. It has been involved in carrying out assassinations and decapitations of its rivals and law enforcement agents. Nuevo Laredo, Acapulco, and Guerrero have been the center of the drug wars between the rival cartels (Cook, 78). Numerous people have been killed in these clashes. The Sinaloa cartel has been targeted by the Mexican army as part of the program to fight drug cartels. Tijuana Cartel This cartel operates in the Northwestern parts of Mexico. It has been considered as a violent and large criminal organization. Ramon Eduardo Felix was the founder of this drug cartel. Brutal acts of violence are a feature of the drug cartel as demonstrated in the murder of eighteen people in Ensenada in September 1998 (Cook, 82). This cartel was one of the largest organized crime groups in Mexico but has run into troubles because of confrontations with the Mexican government. Gulf Cartel The Gulf Cartel is one of the major drug cartels in Mexico which has been fighting against the Sinaloa Cartel. It has influence in the cities of Reynosa and Neuvo Laredo (Cook, 85). It is also a major transporter, smuggler, and distributor of cocaine and heroine. It has been known to use violent and brutal methods like decapitation to intimidate and kill opponents and law enforcement agents. The cartel is also believed to collect revenue from border smugglers and business organizations. These taxes ensure that no one will be struck if they are passing through their territory. It has also believed to be linked with kidnapping and extortion of local businessmen. As the Sinaloa Cartel moved into their territory, they deployed the Los Zetas which as a paramilitary organization. This consisted of ex Mexican army men. Fighting between these groups has resulted in heavy casualties as hundreds of people have been killed. The expertise and training of the Los Zetas has led to the development of a sophisticated and ruthless drug cartel.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Essay Example Elizabeth Stanton was born in 1815 in New York. She received the best education that was available during the time, in an academy but had regrets for not getting full- fledged college education. She got drawn to her husband to be who was a player in politics as well as reform, the world she was much more interested in. After marriage in the 1840, both had their honeymoon in London where they had to attend the antislavery convention of the world. It is in this convention where Mrs. Stanton met Lucretia Mott, who was a leading female abolitionist in America and they started studying the Anglo American women’s rights traditions. The efforts of Elizabeth Cady Stanton assisted in bringing about the 19th amendment eventual passing, which made it possible for every citizen to possess a voting right (A+E NETWORKS, 2015). In the year 1848, Elizabeth Stanton assisted in the organization of the world’s first rights convention of women, with her counterpart Susan Antony. Mott became reluctant but Mrs. Stanton persisted on inclusion of woman suffrage right in the in the convention’s resolutions. Cady Stanton came to meet the lady by the name Susan Antony in the year 185i, ad both of them created a long life partnership on the basis of their dedication to liberation of women.
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