Saturday, August 22, 2020
Moral decisions
Moral choices Good and Ethical DilemmasOne of the most troublesome preliminaries I face in my life are moral and good difficulties. They can be soul-twisting and looking through encounters that charge my character and prompt me to truly 'set some things in motion.' Sometimes I'm snappy to see moral blames in others, yet delayed to see them in myself. Different occasions I see all to unmistakably my missteps and marvel why I don't have what it takes. I trust one reason for this life is to figure out how to represent ourselves. Figure out how to see a circumstance accurately and act honorably. In this paper I wish to talk about a significant number of the contemplations I have had as of late on setting an example for settling on moral choices for an amazing duration. I will introduce a significant number of the snares I have fallen into or seen in others.Everyday I'm confronted with choices of good and bad, the greater part of which are effectively and accurately managed with.Building in Philadelphi a, Pennsylvania, USA.Sometimes nonetheless, choices should be made that are difficult or obvious. They require thought and regularly petition. I like to attract on past understanding to make correlations that help offer knowledge to new issues. Commonly, anyway past encounters can't be identified with present issues and can befuddle and cloud prospects. Indeed, even the sentiments or activities of companions confronted with comparative situations may not be useful. Frequently you feel forced by docks that state, 'it's not a problem', or 'you'll see later'. It's significant that I comprehend why a specific activity or goals is right or erroneous. In the event that I can't or don't it's hard to feel I've been straightforward with myself. That for me can be a decent proportion of moral conduct, my conscience.The perfect approach to manage troublesome inquiries is to have an idiot proof recipe. Discover steps that...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Ultima, Bless Me Essay Example
Ultima, Bless Me Essay Irma Rosero AFPRL 356 Latino Literature Sec 051 September 18, 2011 Cultural and Religious Identity: Bless me, Ultima Bless Ultima, me, is a novel composed by Rudolfo Anaya in 1972. The story begins in 1940 during and after World Word II in Guadalupe, New Mexico. The fundamental character is Antonio. Anaya depicts Antonio’s adolescence through a groundbreaking excursion. Likewise, Ultima, the â€Å" curandera†who helped his mom in labor has a solid nearness in his otherworldly development and improvement. Antonio depicts an individual with inward battles and encounters that contention with custom, convictions, confidence, religion and discover acknowledgment of progress and development. Antonio’s familia instruction is tense with the two restricting images of Spanish colonization, his mother’s family, the Lunas, and his dad ‘s family, the Marez. The Lunas speak to the indigenous individuals, attached to the earth by their cultivating; while, the Marez speak to the conquistadors, unreservedly meandering the llano. Through the novel, Antonio is partitioned between his Luna blood and his Marez blood, continually attempting to settle on the two and please his folks want. This one will be a Luna†¦. he will be a rancher and keep our traditions and conventions. Maybe God will be favor our family and make the child a priest†¦Then the quiet was broken with the roar of foot beats; vaqueros encompassed the little house†¦He is a Marez†¦His ancestors were co nquistadores, men as fretful as the oceans they cruised and as free as the land they conquered†(pag. 5-6). Anaya comments on the troublesome time Antonio needs to experience. He should decide to be his â€Å"mother’s priest†or â€Å"his father’s son†(41). We will compose a custom article test on Ultima, Bless Me explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Ultima, Bless Me explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Ultima, Bless Me explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Antonio’s guardians continually contend about Antonio’s predetermination. 2 Antonio Mares, through the story witness numerous circumstances that cause strife with his convictions and religion. He finds the enchantment of an agnostic God called The Golden Carp and enchantment ‘s Ultima that is better than the intensity of the Church. Anaya utilizes Ultima as speaking to every single strict conviction, which is the thing that gives her capacity. She regards and worships God, the Virgin, the Golden Carp, and the earth similarly. The contention develop picking between Native American religion and conventional Catholicism. Ultima aides and tutors Antonio to settle on his own strict decision. The principal occasion happened when his companion Cico reveals to him that the Golden Carp is a God that has taken human structure ,and looks out for its kin. He gets some information about this legend, she discloses to him that it is valid. This answer makes him begin questioning the Christian Church. Ultima encourages him to locate his own way yet it could lead him away from the Church. The second occasion that influences Antonio’s confidence, is when Lucas his companion is biting the dust of the witches revile. specialists and cleric s come to attempt to spare him yet they can not. The third test to his Christian’s Faith is when Ultima’s Power is more prominent than the holy places, when she evacuates the scourge of the Tellez family. The creator depicts Ultima as a secretive, enchanted and brilliant character that shows up in Antonio’s life the day he was conceived. â€Å" A cry went to my throat, and I needed to yell it and run in the magnificence I had found†(pag. 12). Antonio appreciated Ultima and applauded her quality on the grounds that each time she was near, he felt a profound feeling of warmth and solace. â€Å" As Ultima strolled past me I smelled the sweet aroma of herbs (pag ) The creator utilizes the name Ultima with a reason. Ultima is a Spanish word meaning extreme or the end. Ultima is unique for Antonio since the first occasion when he sees her. She is the unification between the start and the end. She is the tutor and guide who causes him from the earliest starting point to discover his way to accommodate his soc ial and strict clashes. Ultima has an in number obligation of otherworldly fondness with Antonio. He needs to endure the dismissal of individuals assaulting her as a witch. Ultima is viewed as a witch with dark forces. In any case, Anaya gives us that Ultima is a dislike Trementina sisters, Ultima is a witch with white force. She utilizes her capacity to help individuals not hurt them. In the occasions talked about previously, Antonio appears to scrutinize his religion. He questions his longing to be a Priest. Toward the start, he goes to chapel enthusiastically and I exceptionally intrigued by Religion. He is anxious to gain proficiency with the Catholic petitions and take Communion classes to satisfied his mom strict molding. He wonder if God is as yet alive or exist, since he reviews all the occasions when God has bombed where Ultima has succeeded. In Antonio’s mind, the Priest ought to experience no difficulty at all with witches, since their forces are nothing contrasted with the all quality showed in the minister by the Church. Antonio accepts the intensity of God is powerful to such an extent, that â€Å"all you need to do is to lift your correct hand and traverse your first finger and structure the indication of the cross. No malevolent can challenge that cross†(pag 55). 4 With numerous disappointments and no answers from God, he is away from Catholicism so he addresses a God in whom he has no more trust or solid emotions. He questions God’s love and capacity to know all and see all, taking into account that perhaps†God is to occupied in Heaven to stress or care over us†(pag 187). The essential occasion that drives Antonio incredulity in God is his first fellowship. At the point when the appropriate responses don't originate from God, he is very disappointed, asking why â€Å"there was just silence†(pag 221). Now, he turns out to be unsatisfied with the Catholic religion, needing something increasingly concrete and unmistakable like the Golden Carp. Scene 22 discovers him attempting to implore the Act of Contrition for his companion Florence, yet he realizes that it is pointless on the grounds that Florence is an agnostic. Antonio is likewise bombing his mother’ want to be a Priest. He starts to desert the conventional convictions that he had sustained in his heart for such a long time. Ultima encourages Antonio to settle on his own strict decisions: â€Å" I can't mention to you what to believe†¦. As you develop into masculinity you should locate your own truths†(pag 119). The creator appears to pass on and look at those troublesome minutes in Antonio’s venture as it occurs in our every day lives. At the point when we are in strife, we enter in a territory of haziness and choppiness as Antonio’s dreams. Anaya utilizes in story components and images of nature to speak to the alarming and hazardous. Blustery climate that speak to strife, pressure that disturbs the harmony and congruity. The breeze and thunder speak to powers of unsettling influences, â€Å" a glimmer of lighting struck and out of the thunder a dim figure ventured forth†(pag 71). Anaya makes the ideal scene to detect the sentiments of disturbance and the unsettling during the story. 5 The creator makes reference to the Owl. The Owl is a significant image in Hispanic Culture, it is an abhorrent winged creature. It is viewed as a misfortune. Nonetheless, in this story the owl is intended to be defender, Ultima’s soul. It speaks to life power, and intensity of strict supernatural quality. The Virgin of Guadalupe, the name of the Town: speaks to pardoning and comprehension. Antonio’s mother has a two foot huge sculpture of the Virgin. He adores the Virgin more than any of the holy people on account of what she speaks to. The Golden Carp as an image that speaks to an elective religion to the Catholicism that Antonio was brought up in. The symbolism used to depict Antonio’s family additionally interfaces the human world to the more extensive cosmo, The family name Marez implies â€Å"sea†like Antonio’s progenitor. The men of the llano are known as men of the ocean, since they are wild similar to the sea. Interestingly, the men from the homesteads along the streams, where Antonio’s mother originates from, are related with the moon. This can be found in their name Lunas and in the town where they live. El Puerto de la Luna, which implies the entryway of the moon. The Lunas live all part of their lives in concordance with the changing periods of the moon. . The peruser sees the reiteration of the number three. The three wellsprings of comprehend for Antonio (Ultima, God and Golden Carp). The three passings that Antonio witnesses, (Lupito, Narciso and Tenorio). Furthermore, The three Trementina Sisters. The number Three is identified with Blessed Trinity. God is one God, He exists in three distinc people, God, Son and the Holy Spirit. Anaya utilizes amazing pictures to summon various reactions from his headers. 6 Anaya the storyteller, sets up an exchange among Antonio and Ultima. He concedes that he utilizes his own understanding and those of others in his adolescence to build the story. He utilizes Antonio as solid storyteller whom the perusers can trust. At long last, toward the end, Antonio comprehends the equalization Ultima has shown him; he should be Marez and Luna and have a harmony between every strict conviction to genuinely take care of business of learning. In the story Ultima appears to him and clarifies that he should see past himself: â€Å"You need to been seeing just parts†¦and not looking past into the extraordinary cycle that ties every one of us â€Å" (121). He learns all convictions are bound together into a reasonable framework. Ultima permits him the opportunity to settle on his own choices. Antonio discovers his internal quality, when he goes to remain with his uncles in El Puerto for the late spring. Ultima realizes that when he returns he will be an alternate individual. â€Å"Be arranged to see things change when you return†¦. You are developing, and development is change. Acknowledge the
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Child Spanking as a Disciplinary Measure - 550 Words
Child Spanking as a Disciplinary Measure (Essay Sample) Content: Student’s Name Tutor Course Date Spanking as a Disciplinary Measure used by Parents: Argumentation Essay Introduction Parents use different methods depending on their tradition and the environment surrounding them to shape their children character and behavior (Vittrup and Holden 211). Such methods include physical punishments like slapping and spanking, verbal punishments like ridicule, penalties where parents may withhold allowances for a wrong doing, and withholding of rewards like playing their favorite game before doing something that is required of them. Although all these methods may be effective to some extent, physical punishment have been criticized and abandoned in many countries as studies indicate that it does more harm than good to a child mental and emotional development (Gershoff 1). This paper argues against child spanking and physical punishment as a disciplinary method for children, with reference to studies carried out on child development and wellbeing. Why Child Spanking should be discouraged Spanking is a wide spread practice that is used by parent involving hitting the bottom of a child with an open palm with the aim of stopping them from doing something wrong (Vittrup and Holden 211). On its part, it inflicts pain on the child, making them afraid of misbehaving. However, the method is not effective since the child would not understand why they were being spanked for doing whatever they were doing. As such, they would still do it in the absence of their parents or care givers because then there would be no physical threat for punishment (Gershoff 1). Since discipline is meant to teach children right from wrong and to improve their behavior, spanking may not be an effective method to make children fully understand why they are not allowed to do something and instead, explaining to them in a gentle but firm manner would go a long way. Discouragement of spanking may reduce cases of child abuse (Doucette, Harris and Jaffe 1). When parents spank their children as a disciplinary measure, their intent is to use little force to inflict pain in order to curb future misbehavior. When such a parent is emotional and frustrated, the force used while spanking may be more than necessary and may result to unintended child abuse. As such, banning of spanking and other physical punishment methods would play a big role in significant reduction of child abuse cases. Discouragement of spanking may also help in teaching violent children other available options of solving misunderstandings. Most children result to violent behavior since the environment they are raised in accepts violence as a means to resolve problems. In most cases, parents and teachers use physical punishment to discipline aggressive and violent children. As study indicates, such children become more violent and this may affect their adulthood relationships since they would most likely result to violence as their way to punish those who wrong them (Doucette, Harris and Jaffe 1). Using other available methods and understanding why such children are violent would result to bringing up emotionally stable and responsible adults. Conclusion Different studies indicate that spanking of children is not an effective disciplinary method, and may have negative effects on children emotional development (Vittrup and Holden 211). Additionally, making children understand the need for good behavior by talking to them and understanding them may make them more open and well behaved, as they would have the knowledge they require to make moral and appropriate behavior decisions. Furthermore, spanking and physical punishment methods may resul...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Most Common North American Spruces
A spruce is a tree of the genus Picea, a genus of about 35 species of coniferous evergreen trees in the Family Pinaceae, found in the northern temperate and boreal (taiga) regions of the earth. In North America, there are 8 important spruce species most important to the timber trade, the Christmas tree industry and to landscapers. Spruce trees grow at either high altitudes in the southern Appalachians to New England or at higher latitudes in Canada and the higher elevations of Pacific coastal mountains and the Rocky Mountains. Red spruce occupies the Appalachians into upper Northeastern states and provinces. White and blue spruce trees mainly grow throughout most of Canada. Englemann spruce, blue spruce, and Sitka spruce are native to the western states and Canadian provinces. Note: Norway spruce is a common non-native European tree that has been extensively planted and has naturalized in North America. They are primarily found in areas of the Northeast, the Great Lake States and Southeastern Canada and the best are cut for New York Citys Rockefeller Center annual Christmas Tree. Identification of the Common North American Spruce Trees Spruces are large trees and can be distinguished by their whorled branches where needles radiate equally in all directions around the branch (and look very much like a bristle brush). The needles of spruce trees are attached singly to the branches sometimes in a spiral fashion. On firs, there is a distinct lack of needles on the bottom side of its twig, unlike spruces that carry needles in a whirl all around the twig. In true firs, the base of each needle is attached to a twig by a structure that looks like a suction cup. On the other hand, each spruce needle is situated on a small peg-like structure called a pulvinus. This structure will remain on the branch after the needle drops and will have a rough texture to the touch. The needles (with the exception of Sitka spruce) under magnification are clearly four-sided, four-angled and with four whitish stripe line. The cones of spruce are oblong and cylindrical that tend to be attached to limbs mostly at the top of the trees. Fir trees also have similar looking cones, primarily at the top, but tend to stand upright where spruce hangs downward. These cones do not drop and disintegrate attached to the tree twig. The Common North American Spruce Red spruceColorado blue spruceBlack spruceWhite spruceSitka spruceEnglemann spruce More on Spruce Trees Spruces, like firs, have absolutely no insect or decay resistance when exposed to the outside environment. Therefore, the wood is generally recommended for indoor housing use, for sheltered support framing and in furniture for cheaper structural construction. It is also used when pulped to make bleached softwood kraft. Spruce is considered to be a significant North American timber product and the timber trade gives it names like SPF (spruce, pine, fir) and whitewood. Spruce wood is used for many purposes, ranging from general construction work and crates to highly specialized uses in wooden aircraft. The Wright brothers first aircraft, the Flyer, was built of spruce. Spruces are popular ornamental trees in the horticultural landscaping trade and enjoyed for their evergreen, symmetrical narrow-conic growth habit. For the same reason, non-native Norway spruce is also extensively used as Christmas trees. The Most Common North American Conifer List Bald cypress - Genus TaxodiumCedar - Genus CedrusDouglas Fir - Genus PseudotsugaTrue Fir - Genus AbiesHemlock - Genus TsugaLarch - Genus LarixPine - Genus PinusRedwood - Genus SequoiaSpruce - Genus Picea
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effect Of Salt Intake On Hypertensive Vs. Individuals
Effect of Salt intake on Hypertensive vs. Normotensive Individuals Syed Muhammad Raza Zaidi, B.Sc., MD Candidate Medical University of Americas Syed Zaidi 42B-5305 Glen Erin Drive, Mississauga, ON L5M 5N7 Phone #: (647) 767-6347 Email: I would like to extend special thanks to all authors that have contributed to the intellectual property that was central to the compilation of this work. Mentor: Dr. Vivek Joshi Word Count: 4388 Hypothesis: Decreasing salt intake by hypertensive patients can significantly decrease the MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure) and bring it in the normal range, thus, this strategy can be used to effectively manage hypertension in mild to moderate hypertensive patients. Table of Contents: Ultramini Abstract 3 Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Methods 5 Results 6 Discussion 12 Conclusion 17 Appendix 18 References 22 Ultramini Abstract This report is a compilation and analysis of the current and latest literature to verify the harms of sodium intake and to develop ways to mitigate the harms and improve health in societies and the people most at risk. The results indicate that changing diets and reducing sodium intake can effectively help manage hypertension and related complications. Abstract Hypertension is one of the leading causes of mortality in the developed world. It is integral to explore the different causes of hypertension, especially high sodium diets, and its management to decrease the morbidityShow MoreRelatedManagement Of Resistant Hypertension : An Advance Approach With New Vision2917 Words  | 12 Pagesprotienuria of more than 300mg in 24 hours. Prevalence and Prognosis The reliable estimates of prevalence of resistant hypertension are not available. However, estimates based on large clinical trials suggests the prevalence of 20-30 % of all hypertensive patients under treatment.{1-5}The data from population studies suggests that hypertension-related target organ damage i.e. stroke, heart failure, myocardial infarction and renal failure are directly related to the level of Blood Pressure.{6,7}Read MoreThe Old Style Of Medicine3112 Words  | 13 Pagesmedicine. Medical professionals are required to identify the causes of the diagnosed disease, the classification of the disease, and also the various means that can be used to combat such epidemics. Hypertension has been on the increase among many individuals, and there is therefore need for al medics to take precautions, especially ensuring patient education on means to prevent such health problems. In most cases, diagnosed infections can betrayed at their early stages, which is not the same case a sRead MoreCardiovascular Disease ( Cvd )9447 Words  | 38 Pagesprevalence of contracting CVD increases with age as demonstrated by 35% of Australians whose ages range from 55 to 64 years reported to have a long term CVD condition. The incidence increases to 62% for Australians aged 75 years and above[3]. Generally, individuals within lower socioeconomic groups, together with Aboriginals and people from Torres Strait Island as well as those who live in regional and remote areas of the country have higher rates of hospitalisation and mortality as a result of CVD than otherRead MoreCase Study for Chf7166 Words  | 29 Pagesor relaxation of the heart (systolic dysfunction vs. diastolic dysfunction) â â€" whether the problem is primarily increased venous back pressure (behind) the heart, or failure to supply adequate arterial perfusion (in front of) the heart (backward vs. forward failure) â â€" whether the abnormality is due to low cardiac output with high systemic vascular resistance or high cardiac output with low vascular resistance (low-output heart failure vs. high-output heart failure) â â€" the degree of functionalRead MoreEssay on Chronic Renal Failure Case Study5096 Words  | 21 Pagesidentify the corresponding nursing considerations; ï‚ § enumerate the other possible diagnostic exams significant to our client’s condition; ï‚ § discuss the drugs given to the client, including their actions, indications, contraindications, side effects, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities; ï‚ § present the actual and possible medical and surgical management; ï‚ § formulate and present the nursing care plans with their appropriate nursing diagnosis, cues, needs, objective of care, interventions andRead MoreMaagang Pagbubuntis Ng Mga Kabataan9395 Words  | 38 PagesTERATOGENS  – IS ANY FACTOR, CHEMICAL OR PHYSICAL, THAT ADVERSELY AFFECTS THE FERTILIZED OVUM, EMBRYO, OR FETUS.                                                                                           EFFECTS OF TERATOGENS ON A FETUS: 1)      depends on the: a)      strength of the teratogen ï‚ §Ã¯â€š ï‚ Â ex. Radiation – in small amount sun rays it causes no damage, but in large amount like in cancer treatment, serious fetal defects or death can occur. b)     timing of teratogen ï‚ §Ã¯â€š ï‚ before implantation =
American Music Legends Hank Williams Volume 2 by Hank Williams free essay sample
This album is one of the greatest albums to hit the market. It is good old fashioned music and has a good meaning in every song. Each song has plenty of twang that any country boy would love to hear. Hank Williams has produced so much great over the years and this album definitely lived up to our expectations. Some of the hits on the album include, â€Å"I saw the light†and â€Å"Hey good looking†. They each have a good tempo and make you want to stand up and dance away whenever they come on. The quality of the songs on this album is very high and is even better than some of his previous albums. However, I do not believe they put very much thought in the order of which they put the songs on. This is the one and only downside to this album, they should have thought that through better. We will write a custom essay sample on American Music Legends Hank Williams Volume 2 by Hank Williams or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They could have ordered it so the songs had more of an emotional appeal. In my honest opinion, I would recommend this album to any country music-liking person. It has a good American patriotism in it that surely attracts many. If you don’t like country music I would not recommend it though, it is very much country. The people who will enjoy it the most are rednecks and people who live a very rural life. Most people who do not live this life will not enjoy/appreciate it. I believe it was very well priced also based on the price of an average song on the market up for download today.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Why Lady Macbeth Is More Guilty Essay Example For Students
Why Lady Macbeth Is More Guilty Essay THROUGH THE VIEW OF A READER, THE REASONS WHY MACBETH IS MORE GUILTY BY HIS ACTIONS THEN LADY MACBETH IS BY HERS. Macbeth is a very exciting story containing all kinds of plots and murders. The characters that are killing and are planning murders are all very deceiving and treacherous. Two of the most dangerous criminals in this play are Lady Macbeth and her husband. Together they commit the most dreadful murder by killing the King; Duncan. This is why it is difficult to determine which one of these two is more guilty, because they each do their own part in committing the crime. Lady Macbeth would prepare the plan and then encourage Macbeth to go through with it. Macbeth did the actual murdering, he was also the first person who thought about killing Duncan. Furthermore he did some killing on his own. Lady Macbeth did not have any involvement in these cases. Based on these facts, Macbeth would be found more guilty than Lady Macbeth. We will write a custom essay on Why Lady Macbeth Is More Guilty specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The very first murder in this story was committed on Duncan. This crime was planned by both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The actual murder was done by Macbeth, making him more guilty of the crime. Lady Macbeth just talked about committing the crime, but she never actually went through with it nor would she ever, and that is all that counts. Talking about committing the incident is very different from actually doing it. Lady Macbeth did a little more than just talk about it though. She also urged Macbeth into doing it and that is what makes her part of this crime, but she is not as guilty as Macbeth. He really didnt have to listen to what his wife said. Macbeth had a mind of his own and he could make his own decision. The other murders that Macbeth was involved in were not committed by him, but were ordered by him. The people who did the killing had no choice, they had to do it, because they worked for Macbeth. Macbeth knew this and was a bit more guilty in these murders then lady Macbet h was when she urged him. The idea of killing Duncan first came from Macbeth. Macbeth listened to the witches prophecies that said he would become King. Macbeth did not want to wait any longer and he thought the only way to become King was to kill the present King; Duncan. Macbeth later told Lady Macbeth about this and she just wanted to help him and do whatever she could for him, so that he would be happy and be King. She was also excited about becoming a Queen so she pushed Macbeth forward and did not let him back down from doing what he said hed do. Macbeth had a good chance of becoming King if Duncan was out of the picture, so Lady Macbeth helped stage a plan so that Macbeth could kill him without being caught. Lady Macbeth wanted to do this for herself as well but she was mostly doing this for Macbeth because she loved him so much. Macbeth is a regular murderer throughout the play and is involved in a lot more murders then Lady Macbeth is. She was only involved in the murder of the King while Macbeth was killing people throughout the whole story. He killed lots of men fighting for the King, and later on he killed the King. After killing the King he ordered some of his men to murder Banquo and Fleance, Fleance got away though. Later on through the story when Macduff went to join Malcolm, Macbeth had Macduffs family killed. Macbeth was a man that murdered far more people then his wife did. So he was a more guilty person then she was. Through the story Macbeth got obsessed with killing others and he wanted to kill more, while Lady Macbeth became so self conscience that she went crazy and killed herself. Throughout the course of the story it is tough to decide who is a more guilty person, but if you look at it through the eyes of todays law you will see that Macbeth is more guilty of murder. This is because he had killed a lot people before he killed the King, and when he did kill the King by himself Lady Macbeth had nothing to do with it. She only made a plan and told him to do it and that isnt as bad as actually committing the crime unless Macbeth was mentally ill. Macbeth was not considered mentally ill though because he went on to become King where he made decisions on his own and ordered even more people to be murdered, and Lady Macbeth had nothing to do with those murders at all.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
What the Flag Means to Me essays
What the Flag Means to Me essays When I see a flag blowing in the breeze, or I see a crowd of thousands standing with their hands to their hearts while the National Anthem plays, I always shiver. I just stand there in awe that so few could sacrifice so much for so many. And that is what the flag represents to me, and as I believe it also means I have always been an American citizen in agreement with the first amendment, giving us the freedom of speech and freedom to write and believe whatever we choose, as long as it is not infringing on someone else rights. But I also agree with the flag amendment that puts a law in place making it wrong for the American flag to be vandalized. The flag represents the dream of one and all Americans. The dream to live free, to accomplish one's goals without fear of an overbearing government. The dream to have rights, and the dream to control one's own fate and fortune. Burning the flag to demonstrate freedom of speech is hypocritical. The flag represents that very right to freedom of speech. Burning it is destroying the respect for that right. Since the beginning of this nation, millions have fought and died, on whatever the battlefield or over whatever law, for this nation. Not for themselves, but for those who wanted a better future for their children, and who were willing to sacrifice anything for the freedom that we often do not take into account today. Imagine not being able to speak out against the government. Or not being able to organize protest groups. Imagine having soldiers sectored into your houses and not being able to practice the religion of your choice. It's hard to comprehend, because we are so used to these freedoms, we have become unaware to the fact that we could loose them, or that we even had to fight to receive them. When you burn a flag, I see it as you are choosing to disrespect or ignore the sacrifices and the achievements of the patriots and ...
Friday, February 28, 2020
Transition to IPv6 (PROVISIONAL) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Transition to IPv6 (PROVISIONAL) - Essay Example The IP address which is issued permanently is referred to as a static IP address while that issued every time the device boots is referred to as a dynamic IP address. The static IP addresses are manually issued by the administrator and the procedure used usually varies across different platforms. (Wu, et al., 2012) Dynamic IP addresses on the other hand can be assigned by the computer interface, the host software or even by the server using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). Although IP addresses assigned through DCHP will stay the same for long periods of time, it is possible for them to generally change. An administrator may for instance implement static IP addresses dynamically. A DCHP server is used in this case but it is configured to always assign the same IP address to a given computer. This is advantageous in that it allows central configuration of static IP addresses without specifically configuring each computer on the network manually (Amoss & Minoli, 2007). In the case of the absence of static or DCHP address configurations or failure of the same, the operating system hence assigns an IP address to the network. This is done using stateless auto configuration methods. Frequently, IP addresses are assigned on broadband networks and LAN’s dynamically by the DCHP. This protocol is used because it does not require a specific assignment of each device on the network hence relieving the administrator of that burden. The protocol also allows sharing of IP addresses when they are limited, and this is done if some of the devices will be online at a given period of time (Carpenter, et al., 2013). Most recent operating systems have dynamic IP configuration enabled by default. This lessens the work for the user since they don’t have to set up the network settings manually whenever they are connecting to a network having a DCHP server. Apart from DCHP, there are other technologies used to assign IP addresses like
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Answer the question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Answer the question - Assignment Example The teacher would implement a humanist view to teaching and learning in some ways. First, whenever possible, allow each student to choose the activities to complete. They would also teach their students to set attainable academic goals. Finally, the teacher would allow students to participate in group work. Terms frequently used in education are often difficult to define because there are different types of definitions. Constitutive definitions, such as those used in the dictionary, use alternative words to define a term(Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009). The terms can also be defined by example. An operational definition is the working definition of a term for a specific research undertaking. Usually, to develop a working definition, the researcher will modify scholarly definitions of a term to adapt it to their research setting, or assign a value to the term. The term "excellence" may be defined operationally by quantifying excellence. Suppose a researcher investigates the relationship between class attendance and academic excellence. The researcher may define academic excellence as a mean grade of B and above. By this definition, a student who scores a mean grade of B or above is considered to have achieved academic excellence. Otherwise, the student who scores a grade lower than B is considered having not excelled in their studies. There is some truth in the statement that clarity of definition does not always result in effective communication(Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009). This might be the case for some reasons. First, different cultures attach different meanings to the same term. Therefore, in the event that the person defining the term and its recipient are of different cultures, the term may convey a different to the recipient from the one intended by the sender. Even when used within the same culture, a term may fail to convey the intended meaning because it carries many meanings and the person defining it has
Friday, January 31, 2020
PC Specification Instructions and Requirements Essay Example for Free
PC Specification Instructions and Requirements Essay For the specified case study, create a summary of user requirements and a PC Specifications Table in Microsoft Word 2010. A copy of that case study appears at the bottom of this document. This Word 2010 document will include a two-paragraph summary that classifies the user type and identifies the PC category(ies) that will be recommended and Word tables that identify and contain the hardware and software requirements to meet the selected case study requirements. Students are expected to conduct external research to adequately address all aspects of the assignment requirements. Any outside sources should be correctly cited in APA style at the end of the table. Students will need to include specific requirements from the case study to show why each item is being recommended. Each element listed below must be incorporated into the assignment – omissions will result in loss of points. This project is valued at 14 possible points and the final total of points will be adjusted in the rubric after it is graded to reflect 14 possible points for this project. Writing Quality for the Two Page Narrative * Grammar, Verb Tenses, Pronoun Use, Spelling, Punctuation, and Writing Competency. *Remember: spell-check, then proofread. Better yet, have a friend or colleague read it before submitting it. Read it out loud to yourself. * Remember: there is not their, your is not youre, its is not its, too is not to or two, site is not cite, and who should be used after an individual, not that. For example, the person WHO made the speech not the person THAT made the speech. * In a professional paper one does not use contractions (doesnt, dont, etc.) and one does not use the personal you or your. Use the impersonal as I have in the previous sentence. It is more business-like than saying, Also in a professional paper you dont use contractions. * Use the impersonal as in the sentence immediately above. It is more business-like than saying, Also in a professional paper you dont use contractions. Requirement| Points Allocated| Comments| Set normal text to Arial, 12 point.| 0.25| This is the font in normal paragraphs. Heading and title fonts may be a larger size.| Title Page which shows title and authors (students) name.| 0.25| The title must be, â€Å"PC Specification for_[insert user name]†| Write a brief 2-paragraph narrative that categorizes the user type, identifies the category of PC (s) required, and summarizes your recommendations. | 0.5| Two well-written, concise and organized paragraphs not to exceed one-half a page.| Create a table that shows the various required hardware components. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following: * Input Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met * Output Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met * Communication Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met * Storage Devices – Externa l (including portable) storage devices and show which specific user requirements are met * Other Peripheral Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met| 2.0| The table must be labeled â€Å"Hardware Table.†| Create a table that shows the various required system unit features. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following: * Processor – Include type and clock speed and state how processor type and clock speed meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case * RAM – Include type and amount and state how RAM type and amount meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case * Adapter Cards – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met * Ports – Include types, how many of each type, and show which specific user requirements are met * Storage Devices – Identify internal system unit storage devices, size of hard drive, and state how each storage device and the hard drive size recommended meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case| 2.0| The table must be labeled â€Å"System Unit Features Table.†| Create a table that shows the various required Application Software. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following: * Identify types, recommend specific product names, and show which specific user requirements are met| 2.0| The table must be labeled â€Å"Application Software Table.†| Create a table shows that the various required System Software. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following: * Operating System – Identify a specific operating system and version * Utility Programs – Include a comprehensive list and state how each utility program meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case| 2.0| The table must be labeled â€Å"System Software Table.†| Create a table that shows the required Internet connectivity and Web-hosted applications and services. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following: * Identify the specific type of ISP that should be used for Internet connectivity * Identify the specific Web services that should be used * State how the ISP type and Web services that were identified meets specific user’s requirements in the case study| 1.0| The table must be labeled â€Å"Internet Connectivity Web Services Table.†| TOTAL:| 10| | The final total will be scaled to reflect 14 possible points. PC Specification Mini Case Your office has outgrown its old desktop machines and is in the market for new PCs, but would like some guidance on what to purchase. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) wants to ensure that the office obtains PC machines that meet the requirements stated below. You, as the IT Procurement Officer for your small educational company, have been tasked by the CIO to procure 5 PCs. The CIO has defined some capabilities that the PCs will need to have to ensure optimal performance. These tasks and system needs are collectively the office’s requirements. The requirements are as follows: 1. Create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and send and receive email 2. Participate in online chat rooms to include video conferences, web courses and forums (the CIO is a part-time professor at a local university) 3. Create and edit audio and video files and share video and audio files via emails, bulletin boards and in chat rooms 4. Create small databases to manage all audio, video and photo data 5. Take high quality digital photos and videos and download them to the PC as well as scan and edit the photos. 6. Print documents to include photo quality color printing 7. Save documents to pdf and other image formats 8. Transfer information (audio, video and photos) between PC machines 9. Manage the CIO’s schedule by using an online calendar and day planner 10. Utilize the internet to make online purchases, conduct banking services and research new audio, video and photo editing methods using a broadband service. 11. Connect all required peripheral devices you deem necessary to the system unit 12. Protect the PC and all components from dirty electrical power including under voltage (brownout or blackout) and overvoltage (power surge or spike) 13. Manage and protect the system, data, and information while working on the Internet including scanning all incoming emails, email attachments, and files downloaded from Web-based sources; firewall, virus and spyware (security) protection; and checking websites for phishing and fraudulent activities
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Explore the ways in which the opening of an inspector calls sets the :: English Literature
Explore the ways in which the opening of an inspector calls sets the scene and prepares the audience for the downfall of the Birlings and Gerald Croft I am going to start my essay by looking at the way in which plays were written and what theatrical genres were about in J.B Priestley’s day, as this is likely to give an indication as to which genres influenced him. In Priestley’s day, there were four main genres that were performed at the theatre, these include glamorous musicals, Shakespearian tragedies, detective thrillers and serious drama like that of George Bernard Shaw and T.S Eliot. I think that the detective thrillers influenced Priestley to write â€Å"an inspector calls†. Most detective thrillers, in those days involved one body, six suspects and an inspector, they then try to find out who done it. These types of plays are called morality plays. J.B Priestley fought in World War I and had experienced life in trenches, which where hell, and was a victim of a gas attack. This might have been what formed his socialist view. He was not the only writer to have socialist views after WWI; there were others such as George Bernard Shaw. Priestley must have realised that if we don’t care for each other and take responsibility for our actions there will be more wars, so he wrote the play to send across the message that people they have to take responsibility for their actions. The class your family was in, in Edwardian times was very important and Priestley makes it obvious that this family is an upper class family from the very detailed stage directions at the beginning of the play. â€Å"The Dining room of a fairly large suburban house, belonging to a prosperous manufacturer. It has good solid furniture†. From this quote we can tell that Priestley wants the family to look well off because he describes their house as fairly big, and calls Mr. Birling a Prosperous manufacturer which means he is a wealthy person and that he has a well established business. He also describes their furniture as good and solid. People in them days could not normally afford solid furniture, so shows again this family’s wealth.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Looking Deathworthy Essay
Researchers Jennifer L. Eberhardt, Paul G. Davis Valerie J. Purdie-Vaughns, and Sheri Lynn Johnson studied whether being stereotypically black influences the probability of receiving the death penalty. Sociologist have previously proven that people quickly apply racial stereotypes to blacks who have the stereotypically appearance of a black person. This racial profile effects how people judge an individual and this judgment may very well influence how one is treated by others. This study is important because it shows how racial stereotypes can affect the sentence given to a defendant guilty of murder. The relationship of the different sentences of black on black murders vs. black on white murders is also slightly exposed in this study. For science, this shows a new perspective of how modern society views and profiles African-American men. These stereotypes have and influence on how people treat one another, in this case African-American murder defendants, which is changing society as a whole. Judgment plays a major role in how we interact with one another. The researchers had a very basic research design. There topic was if being stereotypically black influences the possibility of being sentenced with the death penalty. They defined there problem by stating how previous researchers have found a correlation between racial profiling and how people judge others. Researchers have also found that murders of white victims are more likely than murderers of black victims to be sentenced to death. The article Looking Deathworthy by the researchers that conducted this experiment, states that the researchers reviewed plenty of previous studies, theories, and cases. They conducted the experiment in two methods. The first method they showed pictures of 44 black males convicted of murdering white victims in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia during 1979 and 1999, and showing their pictures to raters. The raters where Stanford University undergraduates who were not told the men in the pictures where convicted murderers. They simply rated the men according to how stereotypically black they looked. The researchers found that the defendants who appeared to be more stereotypically black than the others were more likely to receive a death sentence. In the second method, they used the same databases and procedures to see if the same result would be obtained in the experiment if the victims were black. They found that the perceived stereo typicality of black defendants convicted of murdering black victims did not predict a death sentence. There were a couple of limitations made by these researchers that might have effect the outcome of the research. The researchers only used black defendants from the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia area. These changes make the research only correct for that area at that particular time. They should have broadened their case studies to all the states in the U. S. the researchers also only used raters from Standford University. There is a greater chance the people from the same area and same age group judge individuals with the same mentality. They should have used different age groups and people from different backgrounds as raters. T would have made the study more valid. I feel that this was an excellent theory to experiment and I agree that it is true. Capital punishment does give harder sentences for murder defendants who look stereotypically black. However, the study should have been broader. The researchers had variables that if they removed, would have allowed their findings to be more valid.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Website Use Greatly Increases Knowledge of Breast Cancer...
Website Use Greatly Increases Knowledge of Breast Cancer It is the second leading cause of death in the United States, killing thousands of people each year. Cancer has certainly become a growing epidemic in our society, and breast cancer is one of its most prevalent forms. One in nine women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, making it the most common form of cancer in women, and for many of them, this will mark the end of their life. This plague clearly needs to be taken under control, and organizations like the National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations (NABCO) intend to do just that. NABCO and other similar organizations aim to educate people about breast cancer in order to ultimately†¦show more content†¦The first tab reads â€Å"home,†which is the page that the site opens with, and clicking on this tab will take the user back to this page whenever they have gone elsewhere. Right beneath its name on its homepage, NABCO writes its slogan: â€Å"The more you know, the less you fear.†These words alone really seem to state their goal right away- this is an informative and educational site. Women who are educated about breast cancer are not only more likely to take the necessary precautions to avoid developing the disease, but also are more inclined to know how to deal with it if they do find this disease plaguing their lives. Therefore, educated women have less to fear, making this slogan very accurate to NABCO’s purpose. This slogan also does a lot to establish the site’s pathos appeal. Mentioning such an emo tion as â€Å"fear†in conjunction with breast cancer causes women to want to find out more about the disease in an attempt to avoid this â€Å"fear†invading their own lives. NABCO has been operating for seventeen years now, and, as it states on its homepage, is â€Å"the leading non-profit information and education resource on breast cancer in the U.S.†This statement says a lot about NABCO’s credibility, really developing its ethos appeal. However, it also says a lot about the organization’s purpose. Since it is a non-profit organization, it is truly believable that its sole intent is to educate, rather thanShow MoreRelatedParenthood : A Non Profit Organization That Does A World Of Good?966 Words  | 4 PagesDo you think it’s right to defund a non-profit organization that does a world of good? I most certainly don’t. Planned Parenthood protects, supports, and educates our society greatly from the services they provide. This essay will provide evidence and reasoning that prove that Planned Parenthood is a beneficial necessity for society, proving that it would be a horrific mistake if Congress chose t o defund Planned Parenthood. 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