Friday, January 31, 2020
PC Specification Instructions and Requirements Essay Example for Free
PC Specification Instructions and Requirements Essay For the specified case study, create a summary of user requirements and a PC Specifications Table in Microsoft Word 2010. A copy of that case study appears at the bottom of this document. This Word 2010 document will include a two-paragraph summary that classifies the user type and identifies the PC category(ies) that will be recommended and Word tables that identify and contain the hardware and software requirements to meet the selected case study requirements. Students are expected to conduct external research to adequately address all aspects of the assignment requirements. Any outside sources should be correctly cited in APA style at the end of the table. Students will need to include specific requirements from the case study to show why each item is being recommended. Each element listed below must be incorporated into the assignment – omissions will result in loss of points. This project is valued at 14 possible points and the final total of points will be adjusted in the rubric after it is graded to reflect 14 possible points for this project. Writing Quality for the Two Page Narrative * Grammar, Verb Tenses, Pronoun Use, Spelling, Punctuation, and Writing Competency. *Remember: spell-check, then proofread. Better yet, have a friend or colleague read it before submitting it. Read it out loud to yourself. * Remember: there is not their, your is not youre, its is not its, too is not to or two, site is not cite, and who should be used after an individual, not that. For example, the person WHO made the speech not the person THAT made the speech. * In a professional paper one does not use contractions (doesnt, dont, etc.) and one does not use the personal you or your. Use the impersonal as I have in the previous sentence. It is more business-like than saying, Also in a professional paper you dont use contractions. * Use the impersonal as in the sentence immediately above. It is more business-like than saying, Also in a professional paper you dont use contractions. Requirement| Points Allocated| Comments| Set normal text to Arial, 12 point.| 0.25| This is the font in normal paragraphs. Heading and title fonts may be a larger size.| Title Page which shows title and authors (students) name.| 0.25| The title must be, â€Å"PC Specification for_[insert user name]†| Write a brief 2-paragraph narrative that categorizes the user type, identifies the category of PC (s) required, and summarizes your recommendations. | 0.5| Two well-written, concise and organized paragraphs not to exceed one-half a page.| Create a table that shows the various required hardware components. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following: * Input Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met * Output Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met * Communication Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met * Storage Devices – Externa l (including portable) storage devices and show which specific user requirements are met * Other Peripheral Devices – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met| 2.0| The table must be labeled â€Å"Hardware Table.†| Create a table that shows the various required system unit features. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following: * Processor – Include type and clock speed and state how processor type and clock speed meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case * RAM – Include type and amount and state how RAM type and amount meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case * Adapter Cards – Identify each type and show which specific user requirements are met * Ports – Include types, how many of each type, and show which specific user requirements are met * Storage Devices – Identify internal system unit storage devices, size of hard drive, and state how each storage device and the hard drive size recommended meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case| 2.0| The table must be labeled â€Å"System Unit Features Table.†| Create a table that shows the various required Application Software. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following: * Identify types, recommend specific product names, and show which specific user requirements are met| 2.0| The table must be labeled â€Å"Application Software Table.†| Create a table shows that the various required System Software. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following: * Operating System – Identify a specific operating system and version * Utility Programs – Include a comprehensive list and state how each utility program meets specific user’s requirements in the mini case| 2.0| The table must be labeled â€Å"System Software Table.†| Create a table that shows the required Internet connectivity and Web-hosted applications and services. The table should have all the necessary columns, rows, and column headings to show the following: * Identify the specific type of ISP that should be used for Internet connectivity * Identify the specific Web services that should be used * State how the ISP type and Web services that were identified meets specific user’s requirements in the case study| 1.0| The table must be labeled â€Å"Internet Connectivity Web Services Table.†| TOTAL:| 10| | The final total will be scaled to reflect 14 possible points. PC Specification Mini Case Your office has outgrown its old desktop machines and is in the market for new PCs, but would like some guidance on what to purchase. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) wants to ensure that the office obtains PC machines that meet the requirements stated below. You, as the IT Procurement Officer for your small educational company, have been tasked by the CIO to procure 5 PCs. The CIO has defined some capabilities that the PCs will need to have to ensure optimal performance. These tasks and system needs are collectively the office’s requirements. The requirements are as follows: 1. Create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and send and receive email 2. Participate in online chat rooms to include video conferences, web courses and forums (the CIO is a part-time professor at a local university) 3. Create and edit audio and video files and share video and audio files via emails, bulletin boards and in chat rooms 4. Create small databases to manage all audio, video and photo data 5. Take high quality digital photos and videos and download them to the PC as well as scan and edit the photos. 6. Print documents to include photo quality color printing 7. Save documents to pdf and other image formats 8. Transfer information (audio, video and photos) between PC machines 9. Manage the CIO’s schedule by using an online calendar and day planner 10. Utilize the internet to make online purchases, conduct banking services and research new audio, video and photo editing methods using a broadband service. 11. Connect all required peripheral devices you deem necessary to the system unit 12. Protect the PC and all components from dirty electrical power including under voltage (brownout or blackout) and overvoltage (power surge or spike) 13. Manage and protect the system, data, and information while working on the Internet including scanning all incoming emails, email attachments, and files downloaded from Web-based sources; firewall, virus and spyware (security) protection; and checking websites for phishing and fraudulent activities
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Explore the ways in which the opening of an inspector calls sets the :: English Literature
Explore the ways in which the opening of an inspector calls sets the scene and prepares the audience for the downfall of the Birlings and Gerald Croft I am going to start my essay by looking at the way in which plays were written and what theatrical genres were about in J.B Priestley’s day, as this is likely to give an indication as to which genres influenced him. In Priestley’s day, there were four main genres that were performed at the theatre, these include glamorous musicals, Shakespearian tragedies, detective thrillers and serious drama like that of George Bernard Shaw and T.S Eliot. I think that the detective thrillers influenced Priestley to write â€Å"an inspector calls†. Most detective thrillers, in those days involved one body, six suspects and an inspector, they then try to find out who done it. These types of plays are called morality plays. J.B Priestley fought in World War I and had experienced life in trenches, which where hell, and was a victim of a gas attack. This might have been what formed his socialist view. He was not the only writer to have socialist views after WWI; there were others such as George Bernard Shaw. Priestley must have realised that if we don’t care for each other and take responsibility for our actions there will be more wars, so he wrote the play to send across the message that people they have to take responsibility for their actions. The class your family was in, in Edwardian times was very important and Priestley makes it obvious that this family is an upper class family from the very detailed stage directions at the beginning of the play. â€Å"The Dining room of a fairly large suburban house, belonging to a prosperous manufacturer. It has good solid furniture†. From this quote we can tell that Priestley wants the family to look well off because he describes their house as fairly big, and calls Mr. Birling a Prosperous manufacturer which means he is a wealthy person and that he has a well established business. He also describes their furniture as good and solid. People in them days could not normally afford solid furniture, so shows again this family’s wealth.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Looking Deathworthy Essay
Researchers Jennifer L. Eberhardt, Paul G. Davis Valerie J. Purdie-Vaughns, and Sheri Lynn Johnson studied whether being stereotypically black influences the probability of receiving the death penalty. Sociologist have previously proven that people quickly apply racial stereotypes to blacks who have the stereotypically appearance of a black person. This racial profile effects how people judge an individual and this judgment may very well influence how one is treated by others. This study is important because it shows how racial stereotypes can affect the sentence given to a defendant guilty of murder. The relationship of the different sentences of black on black murders vs. black on white murders is also slightly exposed in this study. For science, this shows a new perspective of how modern society views and profiles African-American men. These stereotypes have and influence on how people treat one another, in this case African-American murder defendants, which is changing society as a whole. Judgment plays a major role in how we interact with one another. The researchers had a very basic research design. There topic was if being stereotypically black influences the possibility of being sentenced with the death penalty. They defined there problem by stating how previous researchers have found a correlation between racial profiling and how people judge others. Researchers have also found that murders of white victims are more likely than murderers of black victims to be sentenced to death. The article Looking Deathworthy by the researchers that conducted this experiment, states that the researchers reviewed plenty of previous studies, theories, and cases. They conducted the experiment in two methods. The first method they showed pictures of 44 black males convicted of murdering white victims in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia during 1979 and 1999, and showing their pictures to raters. The raters where Stanford University undergraduates who were not told the men in the pictures where convicted murderers. They simply rated the men according to how stereotypically black they looked. The researchers found that the defendants who appeared to be more stereotypically black than the others were more likely to receive a death sentence. In the second method, they used the same databases and procedures to see if the same result would be obtained in the experiment if the victims were black. They found that the perceived stereo typicality of black defendants convicted of murdering black victims did not predict a death sentence. There were a couple of limitations made by these researchers that might have effect the outcome of the research. The researchers only used black defendants from the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia area. These changes make the research only correct for that area at that particular time. They should have broadened their case studies to all the states in the U. S. the researchers also only used raters from Standford University. There is a greater chance the people from the same area and same age group judge individuals with the same mentality. They should have used different age groups and people from different backgrounds as raters. T would have made the study more valid. I feel that this was an excellent theory to experiment and I agree that it is true. Capital punishment does give harder sentences for murder defendants who look stereotypically black. However, the study should have been broader. The researchers had variables that if they removed, would have allowed their findings to be more valid.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Website Use Greatly Increases Knowledge of Breast Cancer...
Website Use Greatly Increases Knowledge of Breast Cancer It is the second leading cause of death in the United States, killing thousands of people each year. Cancer has certainly become a growing epidemic in our society, and breast cancer is one of its most prevalent forms. One in nine women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, making it the most common form of cancer in women, and for many of them, this will mark the end of their life. This plague clearly needs to be taken under control, and organizations like the National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations (NABCO) intend to do just that. NABCO and other similar organizations aim to educate people about breast cancer in order to ultimately†¦show more content†¦The first tab reads â€Å"home,†which is the page that the site opens with, and clicking on this tab will take the user back to this page whenever they have gone elsewhere. Right beneath its name on its homepage, NABCO writes its slogan: â€Å"The more you know, the less you fear.†These words alone really seem to state their goal right away- this is an informative and educational site. Women who are educated about breast cancer are not only more likely to take the necessary precautions to avoid developing the disease, but also are more inclined to know how to deal with it if they do find this disease plaguing their lives. Therefore, educated women have less to fear, making this slogan very accurate to NABCO’s purpose. This slogan also does a lot to establish the site’s pathos appeal. Mentioning such an emo tion as â€Å"fear†in conjunction with breast cancer causes women to want to find out more about the disease in an attempt to avoid this â€Å"fear†invading their own lives. NABCO has been operating for seventeen years now, and, as it states on its homepage, is â€Å"the leading non-profit information and education resource on breast cancer in the U.S.†This statement says a lot about NABCO’s credibility, really developing its ethos appeal. However, it also says a lot about the organization’s purpose. Since it is a non-profit organization, it is truly believable that its sole intent is to educate, rather thanShow MoreRelatedParenthood : A Non Profit Organization That Does A World Of Good?966 Words  | 4 PagesDo you think it’s right to defund a non-profit organization that does a world of good? I most certainly don’t. Planned Parenthood protects, supports, and educates our society greatly from the services they provide. This essay will provide evidence and reasoning that prove that Planned Parenthood is a beneficial necessity for society, proving that it would be a horrific mistake if Congress chose t o defund Planned Parenthood. 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