Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Most Common North American Spruces
A spruce is a tree of the genus Picea, a genus of about 35 species of coniferous evergreen trees in the Family Pinaceae, found in the northern temperate and boreal (taiga) regions of the earth. In North America, there are 8 important spruce species most important to the timber trade, the Christmas tree industry and to landscapers. Spruce trees grow at either high altitudes in the southern Appalachians to New England or at higher latitudes in Canada and the higher elevations of Pacific coastal mountains and the Rocky Mountains. Red spruce occupies the Appalachians into upper Northeastern states and provinces. White and blue spruce trees mainly grow throughout most of Canada. Englemann spruce, blue spruce, and Sitka spruce are native to the western states and Canadian provinces. Note: Norway spruce is a common non-native European tree that has been extensively planted and has naturalized in North America. They are primarily found in areas of the Northeast, the Great Lake States and Southeastern Canada and the best are cut for New York Citys Rockefeller Center annual Christmas Tree. Identification of the Common North American Spruce Trees Spruces are large trees and can be distinguished by their whorled branches where needles radiate equally in all directions around the branch (and look very much like a bristle brush). The needles of spruce trees are attached singly to the branches sometimes in a spiral fashion. On firs, there is a distinct lack of needles on the bottom side of its twig, unlike spruces that carry needles in a whirl all around the twig. In true firs, the base of each needle is attached to a twig by a structure that looks like a suction cup. On the other hand, each spruce needle is situated on a small peg-like structure called a pulvinus. This structure will remain on the branch after the needle drops and will have a rough texture to the touch. The needles (with the exception of Sitka spruce) under magnification are clearly four-sided, four-angled and with four whitish stripe line. The cones of spruce are oblong and cylindrical that tend to be attached to limbs mostly at the top of the trees. Fir trees also have similar looking cones, primarily at the top, but tend to stand upright where spruce hangs downward. These cones do not drop and disintegrate attached to the tree twig. The Common North American Spruce Red spruceColorado blue spruceBlack spruceWhite spruceSitka spruceEnglemann spruce More on Spruce Trees Spruces, like firs, have absolutely no insect or decay resistance when exposed to the outside environment. Therefore, the wood is generally recommended for indoor housing use, for sheltered support framing and in furniture for cheaper structural construction. It is also used when pulped to make bleached softwood kraft. Spruce is considered to be a significant North American timber product and the timber trade gives it names like SPF (spruce, pine, fir) and whitewood. Spruce wood is used for many purposes, ranging from general construction work and crates to highly specialized uses in wooden aircraft. The Wright brothers first aircraft, the Flyer, was built of spruce. Spruces are popular ornamental trees in the horticultural landscaping trade and enjoyed for their evergreen, symmetrical narrow-conic growth habit. For the same reason, non-native Norway spruce is also extensively used as Christmas trees. The Most Common North American Conifer List Bald cypress - Genus TaxodiumCedar - Genus CedrusDouglas Fir - Genus PseudotsugaTrue Fir - Genus AbiesHemlock - Genus TsugaLarch - Genus LarixPine - Genus PinusRedwood - Genus SequoiaSpruce - Genus Picea
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effect Of Salt Intake On Hypertensive Vs. Individuals
Effect of Salt intake on Hypertensive vs. Normotensive Individuals Syed Muhammad Raza Zaidi, B.Sc., MD Candidate Medical University of Americas Syed Zaidi 42B-5305 Glen Erin Drive, Mississauga, ON L5M 5N7 Phone #: (647) 767-6347 Email: I would like to extend special thanks to all authors that have contributed to the intellectual property that was central to the compilation of this work. Mentor: Dr. Vivek Joshi Word Count: 4388 Hypothesis: Decreasing salt intake by hypertensive patients can significantly decrease the MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure) and bring it in the normal range, thus, this strategy can be used to effectively manage hypertension in mild to moderate hypertensive patients. Table of Contents: Ultramini Abstract 3 Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Methods 5 Results 6 Discussion 12 Conclusion 17 Appendix 18 References 22 Ultramini Abstract This report is a compilation and analysis of the current and latest literature to verify the harms of sodium intake and to develop ways to mitigate the harms and improve health in societies and the people most at risk. The results indicate that changing diets and reducing sodium intake can effectively help manage hypertension and related complications. Abstract Hypertension is one of the leading causes of mortality in the developed world. It is integral to explore the different causes of hypertension, especially high sodium diets, and its management to decrease the morbidityShow MoreRelatedManagement Of Resistant Hypertension : An Advance Approach With New Vision2917 Words  | 12 Pagesprotienuria of more than 300mg in 24 hours. Prevalence and Prognosis The reliable estimates of prevalence of resistant hypertension are not available. However, estimates based on large clinical trials suggests the prevalence of 20-30 % of all hypertensive patients under treatment.{1-5}The data from population studies suggests that hypertension-related target organ damage i.e. stroke, heart failure, myocardial infarction and renal failure are directly related to the level of Blood Pressure.{6,7}Read MoreThe Old Style Of Medicine3112 Words  | 13 Pagesmedicine. Medical professionals are required to identify the causes of the diagnosed disease, the classification of the disease, and also the various means that can be used to combat such epidemics. Hypertension has been on the increase among many individuals, and there is therefore need for al medics to take precautions, especially ensuring patient education on means to prevent such health problems. In most cases, diagnosed infections can betrayed at their early stages, which is not the same case a sRead MoreCardiovascular Disease ( Cvd )9447 Words  | 38 Pagesprevalence of contracting CVD increases with age as demonstrated by 35% of Australians whose ages range from 55 to 64 years reported to have a long term CVD condition. The incidence increases to 62% for Australians aged 75 years and above[3]. Generally, individuals within lower socioeconomic groups, together with Aboriginals and people from Torres Strait Island as well as those who live in regional and remote areas of the country have higher rates of hospitalisation and mortality as a result of CVD than otherRead MoreCase Study for Chf7166 Words  | 29 Pagesor relaxation of the heart (systolic dysfunction vs. diastolic dysfunction) â â€" whether the problem is primarily increased venous back pressure (behind) the heart, or failure to supply adequate arterial perfusion (in front of) the heart (backward vs. forward failure) â â€" whether the abnormality is due to low cardiac output with high systemic vascular resistance or high cardiac output with low vascular resistance (low-output heart failure vs. high-output heart failure) â â€" the degree of functionalRead MoreEssay on Chronic Renal Failure Case Study5096 Words  | 21 Pagesidentify the corresponding nursing considerations; ï‚ § enumerate the other possible diagnostic exams significant to our client’s condition; ï‚ § discuss the drugs given to the client, including their actions, indications, contraindications, side effects, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities; ï‚ § present the actual and possible medical and surgical management; ï‚ § formulate and present the nursing care plans with their appropriate nursing diagnosis, cues, needs, objective of care, interventions andRead MoreMaagang Pagbubuntis Ng Mga Kabataan9395 Words  | 38 PagesTERATOGENS  – IS ANY FACTOR, CHEMICAL OR PHYSICAL, THAT ADVERSELY AFFECTS THE FERTILIZED OVUM, EMBRYO, OR FETUS.                                                                                           EFFECTS OF TERATOGENS ON A FETUS: 1)      depends on the: a)      strength of the teratogen ï‚ §Ã¯â€š ï‚ Â ex. Radiation – in small amount sun rays it causes no damage, but in large amount like in cancer treatment, serious fetal defects or death can occur. b)     timing of teratogen ï‚ §Ã¯â€š ï‚ before implantation =
American Music Legends Hank Williams Volume 2 by Hank Williams free essay sample
This album is one of the greatest albums to hit the market. It is good old fashioned music and has a good meaning in every song. Each song has plenty of twang that any country boy would love to hear. Hank Williams has produced so much great over the years and this album definitely lived up to our expectations. Some of the hits on the album include, â€Å"I saw the light†and â€Å"Hey good looking†. They each have a good tempo and make you want to stand up and dance away whenever they come on. The quality of the songs on this album is very high and is even better than some of his previous albums. However, I do not believe they put very much thought in the order of which they put the songs on. This is the one and only downside to this album, they should have thought that through better. We will write a custom essay sample on American Music Legends Hank Williams Volume 2 by Hank Williams or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They could have ordered it so the songs had more of an emotional appeal. In my honest opinion, I would recommend this album to any country music-liking person. It has a good American patriotism in it that surely attracts many. If you don’t like country music I would not recommend it though, it is very much country. The people who will enjoy it the most are rednecks and people who live a very rural life. Most people who do not live this life will not enjoy/appreciate it. I believe it was very well priced also based on the price of an average song on the market up for download today.
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